Breathe Right = Better Life
Buteyko Method
Become a Nose breather!
Using a system of specific breathing exercises, the Buteyko breathing method was established in the 1950s to help reduce over breathing. Most of us breathe more air than we need to, and this puts extra strain on our respiratory system. A by-product of this is poor gas exchange and reduced oxygen delivery to our body and brain. It causes constriction of our blood vessels and leads to numerous health problems. By switching to nose breathing and reducing the volume of air we breathe, we can provide some relief to our health issues and lead a Better Life.
When applying the Buteyko method you will learn how to:
Unblock a stuffy nose.
Open up the airways and lungs to help you stop coughing and wheezing.
Improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery throughout the body.
Get a better night’s sleep.
Be able to achieve a state of calm!
And stop feeling so tired!
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